Focal Point

Focal Point
Focal Point is more than a blog. It's purpose is to help us stay focused on Christ through Gods Word as we navigate through life and today's culture.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Pay attention to the voice of God

God wants me to pay attention to what He is saying.  He wants me to obey His instructions that are clearly written in His Word..I don’t need another version to figure it out or for Him to say it twice.  For example, my wife sends me a text message that says “get milk”..makes you wonder what that means doesn’t it?  So what should I do? I know, I will call her and say something like this..”Karen, I received this text message from you that says ‘get milk’, now just what does that mean, are you sure you want m-i-l-k milk, or did you mean milkshake because I like that better?”  Do I need an audible voice confirmation to clarify that simple request?  Of course not..and the same is true when we open the Word of God and read it.  You see, I have had a lot of people over the years tell me, ‘I sure wish God would speak to me’.  What they mean by that many times is that they wish God would speak to them in some audible voice.  Well Peter tells us 2 Peter1:17-19 that the Word of God is a more reliable verification of the teachings about the person, atonement, and second coming of Christ than even the genuine first hand experiences of the apostles themselves.  Why? Because Gods Word is the inspired Word of God.  That means that when you open the Word of God you are opening the mouth of God.  We have something that is powerful and totally authoritative in the inspired Word.  What is written is sufficient, we need nothing else to hear God speak.  I don’t need a second text from my wife to verify that I need to stop at the store and get milk, nor do I need to hear her voice. The text message speaks for itself.  And in a far far greater way so does the written inspired Word of God.

People today want warm fuzzy feelings before they do something that is very clearly defined in Gods Word. They say, well I want to pray about this or wait till I feel right.  Usually that is a smoke screen for delayed obedience..  If God says ‘repent’ – there is no need to pray.  When God says be a witness to Him – there is no need to pray.  I simply need to pay attention to His Word.  Remember the old E.F. Hutton financial commercials..’When E.F. Hutton speaks, people listen’.  Well when God speaks we should listen..And to hear the mouth of God, simply open the Word of God”… be continued….

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