Focal Point

Focal Point
Focal Point is more than a blog. It's purpose is to help us stay focused on Christ through Gods Word as we navigate through life and today's culture.

Monday, November 7, 2011

It's a new what

It is Monday morning a beautiful cool fall day on the northern coast of California. The shades to my office window are open, I am sitting here with my Mocha and thinking about the goodness of yesterday when we were able to be in Gods house with Gods people. But that was yesterday and here we are now at the start of a new day and a new week. However, have you asked yourself, “why do they call them new days and weeks?”. I mean really, doesn’t each day and week give us the opportunity to simply repeat the day and week before, (complete with all the previous mistakes and hardships)? We get out of bed and basically say. “here we go again” - same job, chores, homework, laundry, lawn to be mowed, bills paid, on and on, over and over. Then for some there is the house cleaning and we say, “didn’t I just clean that room last week?” And, for the person who worked the night shift or the one who lost sleep tending a sick child, the new day presents another whole list of difficult things to be tackled with a tired mind and body.

Well when we allow ourselves to focus on the weekly problems we have a tendency to lose sight of God.  We face the same difficult circumstances over and over, day after day, week after week. Then what happens is, we begin to let those difficulties become our focal point. And as a result, we find it ever more difficult to see God and realize He is present.  But God’s presence prevails everywhere and in everything. God inhabits the ordinary and transforms its character into extraordinary. Whatever our crises or celebration, our boredom or adventure, God is present. To find God sometimes requires a change in attitude of heart. Choosing not to concentrate on our problems but instead choosing and realizing God is ever present is the key.

Perhaps you are looking at this new week with a bit of pessimism. Perhaps you are expecting once again as you found out last week that every bump in the road seems to steer you off course. If so, realize God is with you, He is faithful, His mercies truly are new every morning. Woodrow Wilson said, “Without God the world would be a maze without a clue.” How true that is.

This is the day that the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.

Stay focused on Him

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